A blog tour, also known as a virtual book tour, is a marketing strategy used by authors and publishers to promote a new book release. It involves coordinating with bloggers and book reviewers to create a series of blog posts, reviews, and interviews that feature the book and its author.
During a blog tour, the author and their book are featured on various blogs over a specific period of time, usually a few weeks. Each day or week, a different blog will post content related to the book, such as a book review, author interview, guest post, or excerpt from the book.

A blog tour can be a great way to promote your book and reach a wider audience. Here are some steps to help you organize and execute a successful blog tour:
Step #1 - Create a List of Potential Bloggers
Identify bloggers who have a target audience similar to your book's readership. Research book blogs, book review sites, and bookish social media accounts. Follow them on social media, interact with their content, and reach out to them via email or social media messaging. If you need help creating a list of bloggers, The Blogger List is a handy site with a directory of bloggers you can reach out to. You can also check out The Indie Viewer for another comprehensive list of book bloggers.
Step #2 - Develop a Press Kit
Create an author press kit that includes a summary of your book, author bio, book cover image, author headshot, and book purchase links. Include all the necessary information to make it easy for bloggers to write about your book.
Step #3 - Determine the Tour Schedule
Decide on the duration of your blog tour and the number of bloggers you want to participate. Plan the dates for each blog post, allowing enough time for bloggers to read your book and write their post.
Step #4 - Provide Advance Copies
Offer advance copies of your book to participating bloggers, providing them with a sufficient amount of time to read the book before the tour begins.
Step #5 - Provide Bloggers with Promotional Content
Your final tip will lead into your post’s conclusion. For example, “Lastly, knowing just a little bit about SEO can go a long way in helping your blog succeed. You can learn more about SEO in our guide.” Then be sure to add a link to your guide here.
Step #6 - Promote the Tour
Share the blog tour schedule on your social media platforms and website. Encourage your followers to follow the tour and visit each participating blog to learn more about your book.
Step #7 - Follow-Up and Thank Bloggers
After each blog post goes live, thank the blogger for their participation and promote their post on your social media platforms. Keep track of all the blog posts and share them on your website and social media accounts. Also, consider sending a thank-you note or a small token of appreciation to the bloggers after the tour is complete.
Get Your Book Out There
The purpose of a blog tour is to increase exposure for the book and the author, generate buzz, and encourage potential readers to purchase the book. Blog tours can be an effective way to reach a wider audience and get the book in front of readers who may not have otherwise heard about it.
By following these steps, you can organize and execute a successful blog tour that will help to promote your book and reach a wider audience.